I've been back from my four-day girls weekend since Sunday night and have barely had a chance to breathe, I've been so busy with TomKat orders! Monday was my unpacking/parents oogling over Linnea day, so I dedicated yesterday to catching up on the plethora of customizing and e-mailing I had to take care of so I could get caught up. I was in front of the computer from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and only got about halfway through- it was nuts! Then today I did the same thing. Don't get me wrong- I am NOT complaining. Not in the least- I am so blessed to be doing what I'm doing, and to be working with Kim and our sweet customers is a better gig than I could have imagined. And it's seriously like a comedy show around here tonight, with all the e-mails Kim and I have going back and forth. I'm falling off my chair laughing right now. I love that this is my job. I actually get PAID to do this.
My challenge lies in the balancing act that is required to be a WAHM, or a Work-At-Home Mom, or a Whacked-out ADHD Hell-raising Mamacita, if I may Dooce-ify my title a bit- only that's the clean version. I have this child who is, yes, a little angel, but does require that my work flow be inturrupted continuously throughout the day in order to meet her needs, or rather, to simply not ignore her in order to do the things I need to get done. It breaks my heart to not interact with her as much as possible, but sometimes, it's just HARD. Cody makes fun of me because he says I throw productivity fits, usually at the most ridiculous hours, but once I get going, man, everyone had better clear the way because I am getting things DONE! And yeah... it's true. For goodness' sake, it's 12:30 and I'm sitting here blogging. But sometimes I feel like if I don't do things late at night, they don't get done. Then I wake up to my happy, clearly-a-morning-person baby girl cooing excitedly through the monitor, never any later than 7:00 a.m. Hmmm... Something's gotta give. But what?
My husband wrote a great post the other day about being fully present. Even though finding balance may be a struggle, it is so important not to gloss over the precious moments we may miss in our pursuit of being the perfect mom and professional. We can't live in the "someday" at the expense of enjoying our children growing up. Because I gotta tell ya, not only do I love my work, but I am having a blast watching my little girl discover her feet for the first time; listening to her incoherent and sweet opinions on EVERYTHING; holding her close while she figures out just who that little baby in the mirror is; making her almost giggle when I blow raspberries on her belly. I don't want to miss a thing.
All that to say, I thought this would be a lot less challenging than it is. It's not that my life is so hard... it's just that at this point, as a new mom, I'm struggling to find a balance. And I know that there are plenty of mamas out there who can relate, and I hope we can all connect to support and encourage each other while we navigate the road toward raising amazing kids and realizing our dreams of becoming smart and savvy business owners!
I want to know the secrets, or maybe the realities, of the WAHMs who seem to have this uncanny ability to juggle the demands of motherhood with work... when they're blended into one throughout your day. Does it get easier or harder as your kids get older? What are the challenges you face as your family grows? What tricks or advice can you share with other WAHMs who may just be starting out? Or, if you're a new mom and new business owner, like I am, what specifically has been the biggest challenge you've faced? And, most importantly, how do we balance it all?
Ready... GO!
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